Toastmaster Steve McTigue, Professional Toastmaster & Master of Ceremonies
Toastmaster Steve McTigue, Professional Toastmaster & Master of Ceremonies

Need help with that big event, but not sure where to turn

I'm just a phone call away. Call now on 07711 069387

Whatever type of event or function you are planning to hold, the image will be enhanced by the sartorial elegance of a Professional Toastmaster who is seen to be “gracefully running” the function on your behalf.


As a professionally qualified Toastmaster and Member of the College of Toastmasters I offer you my knowledge and skills to help you to organise and host the event. I would be willing to consult with you at any stage of your planning process.


Such Formal functions require that all guests are announced and introduced in strict order of precedence. It also remains a necessary requirement to use the precise and approved form of usage for titles, honours and awards. Its at times like these that my services become invaluable. 


I can be of assistance whether you are arranging Civic Luncheons, Corporate Dinners, Dinner-Dances, Themed Banquets, Gala Balls, Auctions, Award Ceremonies, Parades, Fund Raising Events, VIP & Civic Receptions, Official Openings, Product Launches and Conferences. I have always been told if its worth doing, its worth doing well


Call me NOW, from stress to SUCCESS in one phonecall 07711 069387

Remember if your event needs a Toastmaster, then your event needs ME 



“Annual ‘do’ to arrange, where’s the master toastmaster Don’t sit & stew, call today, book the master toastmaster”  



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