Toastmaster Steve McTigue, Professional Toastmaster & Master of Ceremonies
Toastmaster Steve McTigue, Professional Toastmaster & Master of Ceremonies
Mayor's Sergeant for Stafford Borough

Civic Functions

Yet another side to Steves work...

Not only is Steve one of the Top Professional Toastmasters in the country, he is also an expert on Civic Protocol and Procedure being a Member of the Guild of Macebearers.

His depth of knowledge is second to none, to such an extent he currently advises no less than 1 District Council, 2 Borough Councils and 1 City Council on all matters ceremonial.

His advice can ranges from "Mayor Making" ceremonies, Remembrance Sunday Parades, Town Festivals, Freedom of the Borough ceremonies, Opening of the Crown Court and Royal Visits to name but a few.

Steve is believed to be the only person in the country to hold so many Civic Titles at the same time.

He is currently:-

  • The Mayor's Sergeant for The Worshipful, The Mayor of Stafford Borough, attending the Mayor and Deputy Mayor at civic engagements and events, ensuring the security of the civic regalia and the safety of the First Citizen of the Borough.
  • Acting Macebearer for The Worshipful, The Mayor of East Staffordshire.
  • Toastmaster to The Right Worshipful, The Lord Mayor of the city of Stoke on Trent.


Macebearer for East Staffordshire
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