Toastmaster Steve McTigue, Professional Toastmaster & Master of Ceremonies
Toastmaster Steve McTigue, Professional Toastmaster & Master of Ceremonies
By kind permission of Burgess Photography

What is a Master of Ceremonies?

What exactly do they do?

Being a Master of Ceremonies (M.C.) or giving a speech can be fun if a person understands what is expected of him. Steve's wealth and depth of knowledge of what to say, as well as his Skill at how to say it, makes him one of the finest Masters of Ceremonies and After Dinner Speakers in the Country. According to the World Book Encyclopaedia Dictionary, an M.C. is a person in charge of a ceremony or entertainment who makes sure that all parts of the program take place in proper order. At a club dance the speaker may make the announcements for the evening and introduce special guests. At meetings a person may want to speak on subjects that are brought up before the assembly. At festivals or big affairs, the M.C. may have the job of introducing many callers and special guests, some of whom the M.C. may not know.


Steve says “It is an honour and a privilege to be asked to perform as a Master of Ceremonies (M.C.) at any function. My first responsibility as a M.C. is to the audience. The M.C. should never perform in any manner that might discredit them. A M.C. needs to be prepared. One secret of public speaking is for the announcer to sound as if he is talking "off the cuff" while knowing exactly what he intends to say”.

“That M.C. stands before the crowd, with gavel in hand, he looks so proud, that’s the master toastmaster

With his voice he calls out loud, announces, controls, he’s wowed that crowd, that’s the master toastmaster”

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