Toastmaster Steve McTigue, Professional Toastmaster & Master of Ceremonies
Toastmaster Steve McTigue, Professional Toastmaster & Master of Ceremonies
Steve at the wedding of Rachael Davies Miss British Isles 2006.

If you have any questions not covered here, please ask


Q. Why do we need a Toastmaster? Isn't that the Best Man's job?

A. The Best Man is there because he is the best friend of the Bridegroom. The Bridegroom want's his friend to participate in his big day and has honoured him by inviting him to fulfil the best man's role. The best man has not been chosen because of his organisational skills or his experience in looking after the needs of the wedding party, and the guests. He is a friend, treat him as one by not placing the responsibility of ensuring the smooth running of your big day on his shoulders.

Q. The hotel where the reception is being held say that they will look after the announcements so that should be all right, shouldn't it?

A. This usually means that the Head Waiter or banqueting manager will try to fit in the Toastmaster role along side of his other duties. His other duties are onerous and demanding. He is responsible for ensuring that the wedding breakfast is served properly. He will be fully employed supervising his staff, ensuring that the meal is served correctly. In many cases he will be the Duty Manager at the hotel with responsibility for dealing with incidents that occur elsewhere in the premises. If such an incident occurs during your wedding breakfast you will, of necessity, be left to your own resources.

Q. The manager at the reception venue says that he can include a Toastmaster as part of the package, so why should we engage you?

A. If a Toastmaster is provided as part of the package he will be working for the hotel or banqueting suite in the same way as the chef, the waiters and the bar staff. If something goes wrong his responsibility is to the hotel, his employer. As an independent Toastmaster, engaged by you, I have no such allegiance to the event venue. My responsibility is to you and you alone. You can rely on me to deal with any problems on your behalf, not as an apologist for the hotel.

Q. You seem rather expensive, we have spoken to people who offer to do it for less.

A. Anyone can buy a red coat and advertise himself as a Toastmaster. Such an individual may be good, bad or indifferent. It is an old adage that you get what you pay for. By engaging someone with my expertise and precise attention for detail, you can rest assured, safe in the knowledge that I belong to one of the finest organisations in Toastmastering excellence - The College of Toastmasters. For additional piece of mind, I am also a past military First Aid Instructor and currently hold the world acclaimed St. John's Ambulance First Aid at Work Certificate, being qualified to deal with any medical emergency from a splinter in the finger to Mouth to Mouth and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (C.P.R.)

Q. I've decided to engage you as my professional Toastmaster and now two months after your quote you have told me that you are now engaged that day. What do I do now?

A. I have a strict 30 day limit on any quotes I send out. I will hold your specified date free for that period of time after which If anyone else requires my expertise and you have not replied, the date is transferred to the new enquiry. However, As a Member of the College of Toastmasters, I have access to all of the other members of the College and can check their availability. If , unhappily I am not available on the date of your wedding, I can find a professional Toastmaster who is and I will put him in touch with you. But, as Fred Pontins, the founder of the holiday camp, Pontins used to say " Book Early", I couldn't of put it better myself.

“Had a thought to be passed to the Master Toastmaster

Ask away, don’t delay, call the master toastmaster”

By kind permission of Stephen Sutton Photography
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