Toastmaster Steve McTigue, Professional Toastmaster & Master of Ceremonies
Toastmaster Steve McTigue, Professional Toastmaster & Master of Ceremonies
Write to Steve @ 1 Tixall Heath Cottages, Tixall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST18 0XY

Contact Us

So that Steve can come back to you quickly, please complete your enqiury in the box provided below ensuring you include the information listed here:

  • Your Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Dr etc.)
  • Your full Name (Forename and Surname)
  • Your Address (Including Post Code)
  • Your Telephone Numbers (Home/Work/Mobile) 
  • Your Email Address
  • Details of the event (Dates/Location/Basic outline of the event etc.)

If you wish you can contact Steve to arrange a booking or request further details using any of the methods below:


Steve McTigue F.C.T.

1 Tixall Heath Cottages

Tixall Road



ST18 0XY


Telephone No: 07711 069387




I look forward to hearing from you


“Contact now, don’t leave it too late to call the master toastmaster

Arrange a chat and make a date, book the master toastmaster”  

* Email:
* You must enter your email address.
Call Steve on 07711 069387
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